Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UM Housing

ERIN SIMPSON Thousands of Ole Miss

Upperclassmen have found themselves essentially homeless for the 2011-2012 school year.
Students were recently notified that the number of incoming freshman for the upcoming year will be the largest to date. This year’s freshman class was reportedly the biggest yet, and according to the university, that number will increase by over 800 in the fall. Due to the requirement that all freshman reside in On-Campus housing, Ole Miss has been forced to make some adjustments. Chief among them is the change of Crosby Hall, a dorm traditionally reserved for sorority sophomores, into a freshman dorm.
This raises some questions for rising Greek sophomores. Main concerns include where to live, and how to pay for off-campus housing. Many apartment complexes have developed “Sorority Plans”, which cut the cost of an apartment by about $50 and offer each pledge class a way to live together and try to experience the “bonding time” that Crosby used to offer to them.
Rachael Gandy, a freshman KD, says that she is anticipating the freedom that living in an apartment will offer.
“In Crosby, like in every other dorm, you know anytime you have a visitor, you have to check them in and out and go through all of that. And it’s so annoying how we can’t have anyone in our rooms after two, so I’m really excited about that aspect of living off campus,” Gandy said.
Another freshman, Abby Sims, was quick to point out one of the downfalls of off-campus living.
“One of my biggest concerns about living off of campus is the whole Rebel Ride situation,” said Sims. “Living out at The Connection means that every single weekend, I’m going to have to call a cab to get to the Square, or to the frats. That’s going to get very expensive very quickly.”
While off-campus living and apartments may have a silver lining, many UM students are still concerned about their living arrangements for the upcoming school year and what Ole Miss plans to do to help. For more information, visit: http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/stu_housing/

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