Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Break Adventures

Erica Marconi
Section 4
Spring Break Adventures

            Many students from all colleges are beginning to get very excited about Spring Break, for most, it is a time to relax and have fun, but for some it is a time to practice.   
            Students Murphy Turner and Kyle Barbeck, both 20 will be experiencing their spring breaks quite differently from one another.
            Turner, 20 who attends Ole Miss will be spending his spring break in Baton Rouge for SROW and will be participating in a volleyball tournament in Destin, Florida.
            SROW is the National Orientation Directors Association's (NODA) Region VI Conference.  Turner is looking forward to this and spending time with his Orientation Family.
            He said, “There is nothing that can compare to SROW, it is a great bonding time and I enjoy getting to know other orientation leaders from other schools.”
            Turner could not be more excited to travel to Destin.  He will be living in a house with 5 people at the San Destin Resort.
            He stated, “I’m really looking forward to beach volleyball, it is one of my favorite things to do while in Destin…it’s a good workout for your legs!”
            Barbeck, 20 who is a student at Northwest Texas Community College will be preparing for 4 baseball games over spring break.
            He has been playing baseball ever since he was 4.  Barbeck started as shortstop then when he was 12 he wanted to try out pitching.  Ever since he has been a left-handed pitcher.
            Barbeck will also be practicing over break.  Their routine includes playing catch, having scrimmages against each other, running drills, pitching, and practicing hitting.
            He said, “I’m happy here, it is what I do and I love the game.”
            Barbeck has a record of 4-0 and the team’s record is 10-6.

                                               Destin Florida Beach




                         Northeast Texas Community College

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