Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Break

McClain Forman

Mrs. Weakly



The perfect time for a break

After all of the well-rested students returned from Christmas break students were ready to take on the academic challenges of the second semester. But as weeks turned to months the Ole Miss students continued to grow more and more restless. “School was easy at first” says freshman Hayden Wieck “ Now I’m just ready to get to beach get some beer and rage.” Wieck continued to tell me about how he and fellow members of his “frat” rented a house that sleeps twelve in Cabo, Mexico. “I am so sick of taking tests and trying to stay awake in class spring break is definitely the best break of the year and plus Mexico is going to be sweet. “

Not everybody is having an exciting spring break like Hayden. Evers Miller a freshman for Nashville, Tennessee has far different plans. Miller plans on going to Iowa for his grandparent’s 60th anniversary party. “It sucks that I can’t go to a beach with all of my friends but it will be fun to see my family and it’s not like its everyday that you get to see your grandparents 60th anniversary”.

No matter what your plans are for spring break everyone agrees that this break has arrived at the perfect time. “Spring Break is more than just a time to get drunk on a beach” says freshman Cash Roper “It is a much needed break from homework and test”.

Since returning to school from Christmas this has been one of the longer stretches in the year without a break. Most students would have an even harder time of succeeding through midterms if they didn’t have a week off of school ahead of them. The break also gives students the energy to take on the remainder of the school year. The final stretch is often the toughest one and students will do better if they are more eager and energized.

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