Friday, March 4, 2011

Erin Simpson

March 4, 2011

Most Ole Miss students see Spring Break as a time for rest, relaxation, and recuperation from midterms, but for some, it is a week to spend reconnecting with loved ones.

Freshman Katelyn Watts plans to rent a house in Destin, Florida with her friends from Mississippi State University.

“I’ve grown up around the same group of people since like, age zero,” said Katelyn. “My friends have become a part of my extended family. When all of us split up and went to different colleges, it was kind of unnerving. But when we found out that Ole Miss and MSU have the same week off for Spring Break, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to spend time with the people I’ve lost touch with and miss.”

Freshman Caroline May has similar plans for her week-long vacation. Caroline and fifteen of her Kappa Delta sisters have rented a house on Crystal Beach in Florida, with Caroline’s mother as the designated chaperone.

“I hardly ever have time to go home, and I feel about that. I really do. But freshman year is insane. So when my mom asked if she could tag along as the quote unquote chaperone, I couldn’t say no. With spring parties and formals coming up, this is the last time I’ll see my family until summer,” said Caroline.

So while both girls will use this break from classes to soak up some rays and escape the currently dreary weather of Oxford, this break means more to them than “fun in the sun”.


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