Friday, March 4, 2011

For most people Spring Break means going to the beach, having fun, and being with friends but for some, Spring Break means a time to save for working and saving money.

Kelli Harrison, a junior at Ole Miss, will be using her Spring Break to return to her hometown and work at the YMCA. The YMCA hosts many different camps for children of all ages. At the camp the children are involved in lots of activities. They also go on occasional field trips.

“The field trip’s the best part because the boss doesn’t come, everyone is relaxed, and the children really enjoy it,” Harrison said.

Harrison has been working at the YMCA for almost 5 years. For the past year Harrison has been taking care of a special needs child. Sometimes it’s a bit tiring to work with so many children all the time, but it is a worthwhile experience Harrison said.

A current senior at Ole Miss, Brantley Pierce, will also be returning home for his Spring Break. Pierce is currently student teaching at Oxford High School. Over the break he will be completing his 10-day lesson plan, which requires a lot of work and detail. Like Harrison he enjoys working with children and young people.

“I like student teaching,” Pierce said. The best moment is when a student finally understands after they have been struggling with it for a while.”

Pierce and Harrison will be busy over Spring Break but both have expressed that they do have plans for the summer. They are both saving up for a trip to Italy this summer.

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