Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ponies & Princesses - Spring Break '11

Many students at the University of Mississippi are already packing their bags in anticipation for Spring Break which begins March 12th.

Students Reid Lyle Bankston and Meagan Henry were interviewed about their upcoming plans for the break.

Bankston, a junior, said that he plans to venture to Hot Springs, Ark. where he will attend local horse races.

He said, “It’s a simple trip that’s inexpensive compared to things like the beach, and it’s very low key. It’s also something I enjoy. I respect horse racing and enjoy gambling.”

Meagan Henry, a freshman, said that she is going on a missions trip with Campus Crusades to Orlando, Fla. The trip is mainly a service project where students will aid the homeless, working poor, at risk children, and adults trying to rebuild.

Henry also remarked that the service project culminates in a one day trip to Disney World.

Henry said, “I can’t wait to go to Disney World. I know I almost 20 years old, but I’m still going to wear my Belle dress all day and ride “It’s A Small World” over and over until they kick me out of the park.”

Giddy up!

The attire that Henry plans to wear at Disney World.

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