Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UM BIG Event

UM BIG Event - Story & Video by Rachel Hammons

On Saturday, March 26th, the University of Mississippi held its largest community service project to date called the UM BIG Event.

The Big Event has been occurring at university campuses all across America and was brought to Ole Miss this year when the student body felt a school-wide day of service was needed.

Nearly 1200 students signed up for the school’s first annual Big Event, which consisted of students going into the Oxford community and doing service projects such as painting houses for the elderly, cleaning up schools, building decks for houses, and raking yards.

The UM BIG Event gave students the opportunity to say “thank you” to the greater Oxford and Lafayette community by simply giving back.

Andrew Lynch, a senior at the University, served on the logistics board of the event as well as participating.

Lynch said, “We went to the farm outside of Oxford near the Veterans’ home and cleaned it up. The recipients were so respectful. They embraced us.”

Freshman Megan Henry also participated in a group that repainted an elementary school.

Henry remarked, “It was awesome that college kids would get up at seven thirty on a Saturday morning just to help people.”

Despite the rain, students still showed up and many projects were held. In fact, the turn out was so great that the student government, ASB, is already planning to repeat the event next year.

For more information (hyperlink)- please see: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UM-BIG-Event/192641274085596

VIDEO: (the quality was MUCH better on YouTube) - please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_-CPOS9_ns

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