Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Though the weather was harsh, the students at the University of Mississippi gave back to Oxford when participating in the Big Event this Saturday.
The purpose of the Big Event was to provide students at the University of Mississippi the opportunity to give back to the Oxford community that has made the city such an amazing area for the University to be located within.
This year was the first year that the University of Mississippi held the Big Event. This program was originally meant to have 1,200 students participate, but due to severe weather conditions 50 projects were cancelled and only 700 workers participated.
Though the rain and cold weather set an uncomfortable atmosphere in Oxford, many groups still flooded the city to rake yards, do carpentry work, feed the homeless and so many other projects.
Each group was assigned a Team Leader, who was responsible for each person in their group as well as making sure the project was completed properly. I myself, was a participant and Team Leader for the Big Event, and must admit that the job was strenuous.
My group, group 33A, was assigned to help workers at a convention shop located at the Oxford Conference Center. Volunteers were asked to help elderly customers and pregnant women transport purchases to their vehicles, organize the disordered shop, and baby sit toddlers while parents shop.
“The hardest part of the Big Event was making sure my group carried out their duties while, trying to fulfill the needs of customers. Though overall, it was an experience I will never forget,” said Lennie Patterson, a sophomore at The University of Mississippi and Team Leader of the Big Event.
The Big Event is a great project that can help students to accumulate volunteer service hours.
Cortez Moss, member of the Big Event committee, says “The Big Event Committee is impressed with the project’s turnout, and we anticipate an even more productive outcome for next year.

For more information about the Big Event, log onto

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