Tuesday, March 29, 2011


On Saturday, April 9th , a well known fraternity Sigma Chi at the University of Mississippi will hold the annual event known as Derby Day.
Derby Day has been a tradition practiced by Sigma Chi for many years. This event is the fraternity's philanthropy and is put on every spring semester.

Sigma Chi’s philanthropic event raises thousands of dollars. Last year the fraternity raised $5,000 and donated it to the charity Love Packs. This is an organization that helps distribute food to those who are less fortunate.

The actual event of Derby Day is a dance competition held in the intramural fields at the University of Mississippi.

Sororities practice dance routines to perform at the event at least four times a week for several weeks on end. The overall performance is judged and three sororities are awarded.

Karleigh Brown, a freshman at the University, is participating in this dance competition and will be representing her Chi Omega sisters.

Brown said," Practice is a lot of fun it's a good time to get to know girls during this charitable competition."

Junior Cory Daniel also a Chi Omega, she participated in this event the past few years and highlights some of her most fond memories.

" I have gotten to know so many students throughout the school. Not only is it fun to participate in but its even more fun to watch."

All of the students of the University are excited to experience this annual tradition and find out the new winners of the 2011 Derby Day.

To watch Derby Day performances from previous years go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSusmkehx6k


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