Monday, May 9, 2011

Recruitment Integration

The African American students at the University of Mississippi are gradually being accepted into the Greek system that formally involved only white students.

Greek life on campus at Ole Miss is predominately white males and females. The African American students have co-ed groups that act similarly to white sororities and fraternities.

In recent years African American students have desired to integrate these two Greek systems. When the black students first entered the white recruitment process a few years ago, most white people were outraged.

Laura Barrier, a Chi Omega, has opposing views on the integration of the Greek systems.

“It’s been a little uncomfortable for both sides, but it is getting more and more culturally accepted. The nature of integration allows room for improvement over the years and I think it will become much more widely accepted,” she says.

Kimbrely Dandridge, an African American sophomore, is an excellent example of this integration process.

Dandridge is the first ever African American Phi Mu at Ole Miss. She pledged Phi Mu in the fall of 2010, and is now the talk of the town.

Negative comments and hurtful words follow her every day, but Dandridge keeps a smile on her face to show everyone how she is not afraid of integration.

“Recently, a girl who condemned me for betraying my people came up to me and told me how proud she was of me. She said sorry and actually thought I was helping to improve the racial barriers,” she says.

African Americans in the white recruitment process still receive harsh words from just about everyone. Not many of them receive bids to sororities like Dandridge, but they still continue to strive to end segregation.

White parents and alumni of Ole Miss are hesitant to accept the fact of integration between the Greek systems, but the students seem to be more acceptant of it.

As recruitment continues year after year, only time will tell if the Greek integration process is a success.


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