Sunday, May 8, 2011

Diversity in the Dorms

Erin Simpson As finals week on the Ole Miss campus approaches, freshman students and university employees are preparing for the move out of Martin Hall. Looking back on the 2010-2011 school year, Cortney Fritz and Mrs.Jeraldine Harris-Rice have both enjoyed the diversity that dorm life has provided. Cortney Fritz, a freshman resident of the sixth floor of Martin Hall, said that dorm life has widened her perspective on diversity. “When I moved into the dorm, I have to admit it was a little bit intimidating. To go from being an only child, to living on a floor with 49 other girls, it was a transition. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Living here has opened my eyes as far as diversity goes. I’ve met people from different backgrounds, races, and walks of life, and I think that’s what the college experience is about,” Fritz said. Mrs.Jeraldine Harris-Rice, one of the two African-American custodians of the sixth floor of Martin, said she has a similar take on diversity at the dorms. “I think when you get thrown together with fifty girls, from all over the place and from all different backgrounds, you’re forced to widen your perspective of people. You’re forced to become more patient, and hopefully, compassionate towards girls you barely know. I think living here, my girls on this floor are doin’ that,” Harris-Rice remarked. To give an example of the “compassion” she was referring to, Mrs. Harris-Rice went on to say that the residents of the sixth floor had pooled together money from each girl and presented her with a $50 Walmart gift card for Christmas. “This is one of the sweetest groups I’ve ever seen. They don’t know how much that meant to me. It was so unexpected and so kind,” Harris-Rice said. For more information on the dorms of the Ole Miss, visit the university website or the hyperlink below.

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