Friday, May 6, 2011

Diversity in the Workplace

An organization’s success and competitiveness is related to its ability to embrace diversity and recognize the benefits that come along. When businesses deal with diversity in the workplace they are able to notice increased adaptability and broader service ranges.

With a variety of viewpoints and more effective communication, companies can pull from the wide range of ideas to better accommodate the customer. Communication can hinder the workplace environment as well. Language barriers can pose issues with lack of teamwork and low morale.

Amenah al-Sherri, an Ole Miss student and waiter at Old Venice Pizza Co. said, “We have a deaf dishwasher at my work. She is the nicest, sweetest lady but all of the kitchen boys make fun of her. It has to be really hard for her to come to work every day and not be able to communicate with her co-workers.”

Simon Smith, a bartender at Taqueria El Milagro is the only Caucasian co-worker. The language difference poses a barrier between him and his co-workers. This language barrier brings about confusion for both Simon and his Spanish-speaking co-workers.

Smith said, “I don't have problems working with my co-workers. Even my Spanish isn't great but I can still try to communicate with them and that's the important thing.”

While many businesses are working to increase this, others are still lagging behind. Resistance to change is common, especially in the South, as some people are not ready for change. For others the diversity aspect isn’t noticed. Mario Booker, a former Ole Miss student and kitchen manager at Old Venice Pizza Co. does not think twice about the topic.

Booker said, “Everyone is cool that I work with. I don’t stop and think, ‘Oh this person is black or this person is white’ because we are all here doing our jobs and we’ve built friendships. You have to if you work with those people all the time.”

Attitudes toward diversity trickle down like a running faucet. It starts with one person’s opinion or attitude that affects someone else. This pattern if continued can greatly influence the environment in which one works. Management involvement and cooperation is conducive to creating a working environment.

For more information regarding diversity in the workplace please view this video.

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