Sunday, May 8, 2011

Diversity in UM Band

Diversity can be seen in a variety of places on the University of Mississippi’s campus, especially in the University of Mississippi’s band.

Chris Presley is the marching band’s drum major, and although he is the drum major, he is not a music major. Band is something that includes many different types of people within it Presley said.

“Band allows me to get oustside of the box and meet people,” Presley said. “I think that’s one of the main things I like about band, just meeting people from all different walks of life.”

Presley also shared some of his memorable moments of being part of the band. Presley said his special memory with the band is his very first day of band camp.

“I remember going into band camp thinking, ‘I will not have time for this,’” Presley said. “But after that first day I was so excited, and I was looking forward to all the years to come.”

The assissant band director, Bill Dejournett, said band is a very diverse organization. It is a collection of students from many different academic departments.

Dejournett also shared his experience when deciding to make music his major. Dejournett said it was a very difficult decision for him to make.

“I knew I loved band, but at the same time I was a part of a lot of other things, like journalism, the debate team, and even drama,” Dejournett said. “I remember the day that I had to be a music major, and it wasn’t that I decided to be a music major, it was that I had to be a music major.”

The life of a band director is extremely hectic. It is the most difficult part of making music your career Dejournett said.

Dejournett said that although he is a band director now, he is still able to incorporate the other things he enjoys into his job.

“I haven’t totally given up journalism,” Dejournett said. “I’ve written two books, and I’ve done lots of publications in music journals.”




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